We Come To You

Come to work as normal. We come to you
(and provide computers free if you need them)!

  • You don't have to leave your office or home.
  • You don't have to tackle traffic, parking or trains.
  • You don't need to provide computers - we've got it covered.
  • In a group setting you already know everybody.
  • You're in familiar surroundings.
  • The training can focus 100% on YOUR needs.
We come to you (with computers)

The story behind the "We Come to You" concept

If you've ever attended a public course at an external training centre then you remember8 the stress of contending with traffic, parking or late trains, then having to sit in a boring, drawn-out class with a rigid, inflexible agenda - either bored, waiting for slower people to catch up or struggling to keep up with the speedsters.

We know this happens because thousands of people have shared their experience with us.

That's why in 2005 we set up Two Rivers as a pure-play we-come-to-you service. We listened and responded to what people were telling us. We decided against establishing a traditional training centre, choosing instead to specialise in delivering onsite courses and doing that ONE thing incredibly well.

No other training company does that. For them, onsite training is just a side hustle - not their main thing. They make more money from the bums-on-seats approach. 

And because we don’t have the large overheads of leasing a large facility, we pass the savings directly onto you. Everyone's a winner baby, that's the truth!