Free Ongoing Support

When you're doing any kind of training it can be like trying to drink from a fire hose.
Information comes at you so quickly, it's hard to take it all in, let alone think of all the questions you need to ask.
And that's why we offer ongoing support for everyone.
Not just 7 days, 14 days or 30 days. But ongoing assistance.
If you have a question next week, next month or even six months down the track, you can call or email us for a quick answer.
That alone is worth the price of admission!
Support vs Done-For-You Consulting:
Our Common Sense Caveat
Unfortunately there is a minority of people who abuse our good will and consume hours of time wanting to deep-dive, strip apart or rebuild their project. Others expect us to drop everything to solve their problems immediately. And yet others treat us like a drop-in centre or a library demanding additional training, videos or written materials for free.
We have a troubleshooting service, a done-for-you project service and the Office Legends Academy membership for those who want a higher level of support.
So let's quickly clarify what free support covers.
Free Support:
SUPPORT is for questions that can be answered reasonably quickly and pertain to topics covered during training, e.g. a refresher on how a process works or advice on how to fix a spreadsheet error.
- Where do I find X ?
- Remind me of the process to do Y ?
- What's the best approach to achieve Z ?
Paid Consulting:
CONSULTING is for when want something done for you or need us to troubleshoot problems, figure out complex solutions, develop a strategy or fix a document, spreadsheet, presentation or publication.
- Can you redesign or debug this spreadsheet or doc ?
- Can you help me develop X or put Y together ?
- I've lost all the work you did for me. As I've already paid you could you quickly do it all again ?
- (Believe me, it happens !)